[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


ستة متنافسين في انتخابات الجزائر: شخصيات خرجت على النظام.. ومعارضون له Al Khabar offers profiles of the six Algerian presidential candidates.

RSF interpelle John Kerry sur la situation de la liberté de l`information en Algérie Reporters Without Borders calls on John Kerry to address violations on the freedom of expression during his visit to Algeria.

Algeria: Bureaucratic Ploys Used to Stifle Associations Human Rights Watch criticizes a restrictive 2012 law on associations as detrimental to holding free and fair elections.

The Algerian Presidency: Do Elections Matter? John P. Entelis decides that despite its influence, the barakat movement will not be able to detour the inevitable election of Bouteflika to a fourth term.

PHOTOS/VIDEO. Nuit sous tension à Béjaïa El Watan publishes video and images of ongoing conflict during Prime Minister Sellal’s visit to Béjaia.

The Algerian Presidential Elections: The Burlesque, the Tragicomic and the Farcical Hamza Hamouchene likens the upcoming Algerian presidential elections to a theatrical performance.


Libya’s security dilemma Lindsay Benstead, Alexander Kjaerum, Ellen Lust, and Jakob Wichmann describe the dilemma in a Libya caught between armed distrust in state institutions and a weak political will to tackle sectarian militias.

Libya’s Cyrenaican Crisis Tasbeeh Herwees describes the possible pros and cons of a federalist government in Libya.

Petites guerres locales en Libye Patrick Haimzadeh outlines the network of alliances between political parties and tribal militias in Libya.


Book Review: Precher dans le désert: Islam politique et changement social en Mauritanie Kal offers a favorable review of Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem’s recent book on Islamist currents in Mauritania, calling it “important volume.”

Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeïd Biladi interviews human rights activist and abolitionist leader Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeïd.

Mauriweb publie le Projet de loi relative à la cybercriminalité Mauriweb publishes the text of a controversial new cybersecurity law, one that has prompted sit-ins in the nation’s capital.

Exclusif : Patrick Hickey, Président de TMLSA (Tasiast Mauritania Limited SA) Cridem interviews Patrick Hickey about a recent report that details the possible expansion of the Tasiast mining operation. 


RSF interpelle John Kerry sur la situation de la liberté de l`information au Maroc Reporters Without Borders addresses a letter to John Kerry, asking that he raise recent violations of the freedom of expression during his visit to Morocco.

Spain/Morocco: Protect Migrants, Asylum Seekers Human Rights Watch calls on Morocco (and Spain) to reject summary returns that violate national and international laws.

In Morocco, reporting about terrorism is akin to inciting it Ilhelm Rachidi reports on the case of Ali Anouzla and the shuttering of independent news media Lakome.


Tunisia`s economic crisis Sarra Hlaoui explores the challenges and future of the Tunisian economy, which very shortly may no longer be able to support public sector salaries. 

Inclusiveness in Tunisia Pheobe Bierly highlights groups still marginalized in Tunisia, despite the adoption of a widely-praised new constitution.

Tunisia, from hope to delivery Frances Ghilés outlines a set of necessary reforms for Tunisia’s economy.

Weekly Political Review – The Ebb and Flow of Democratic Transition in Tunisia Vanessa Szakal reports on a busy week for Tunisian politics.

All in the Family: State Capture in Tunisia The World Bank issued a report detailing corruption in the Ben Ali era.

Western Sahara

Western Sahara: It is time for MINURSO to add human rights to its mandate Khalil Asmar explains why it is necessary to add a human rights component to the UN mandate in the Western Sahara.

OAU/AU and the question of Western Sahara Sidi M. Omar explores the African Union’s historical approach toward Western Sahara.

Cries Against Moroccan Wall Mohamedsalem Werad highlights the work of Cries Against a Wall, a group of Sahrawi activists that coordinate regular protests against the sand wall, built by Morocco to delineate claims on Saharan land.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Foucault, Fanon, Intellectuals, Revolutions Anthony Alessandrini addresses the 2011 revolutions through a reading of Foucault and responses to his writings on the Iranian revolution.

الجزائر : لماذا رُشِّح بوتفليقة لعهدة رابعة؟ Yassine Temlali investigates the reasons behind Bouteflika’s nomination, despite his ill health and Algeria’s declining political economy.

`Justifications of Power`: Neoliberalism and the Role of Empire Muriem Haleh-Davis’ article addresses the logic of the French economic empire in Algeria.

The Dangers of Liberalism: Foucault and Postcoloniality in France Dirien Valayden explores the underside of liberalism through the work of Foucault.

Arduous Journeys on Roads Not [Yet] Taken: Language, Neoliberal Work Skills, and the Exhausted Educational Dream Charis Boutieri situates debates over the language of education in Morocco in the specific context of Morocco’s political economy. 

About Human Breakage and Fragility Aymen Daboussi poignantly illustrates the challenges presented by mental illness, personally and socially, in a state unable to cope with them.

Human Rights Roadmap for a New Libya Jadaliyya Reports on the Human Rights Watch suggestions for reform and legislation in Libya.

In Conversation with Artist Nadia Ayari Mayamanah Farhat interviews Tunisian artist Nadia Ayari on technique, art history, and political allegory.

Tunisia’s Consensus, or When a Kiss is Just a Kiss After the euphoric moment of the adoption of Tunisia’s constitution, Yasmine Ryan explores the political field as Tunisia manages a faltering economy and upcoming elections.